Hose whipping is a danger faced by concrete pump operators. It occurs when air is compressed and then set free within the delivery system. Hose whipping, as the name suggests, involves the delivery system whipping around and creating a potentially hazardous situation.
Concrete Pump Truck
For hose whipping to occur:
Air can enter the system via a number of ways:
Avoiding The Dangers
Because of the nature of trapped air, workers usually don’t know when it will happen. The best way of avoiding hose whipping injuries is to know under what conditions it’s mostly likely to occur.
The CPMA (Concrete Pump Manufacturers Association) has implemented standardized warning labels in relation to the issue of hose whipping. This is to inform operators about the dangers and to avoid or lessen the problem if it happens. If the concrete pump is produced by a CPMA member, the label sits near the hopper.
Hose whipping is a serious issue for operators and related personnel working with concrete pump trucks. For safety and quality, Cole & Lambert is your number one seller of concrete pump trucks. For superior equipment, with experienced concrete pumping service talk to the team at Cole & Lambert.