Operating a concrete pump truck requires skill and knowledge. Because of the sheer size of these vehicles and pumping equipment, diligence is always required. There are a number of defensive driving principles that concrete pump truck operators should consider during operation. There are also a number of general rules that provide safety guidelines to drivers.

Defensive Driving

Whether it’s driving a concrete pump truck or other large vehicle, there are five common actions that cause accidents. If drivers are knowledgeable and keep these in mind during operation, driving safety is greatly enhanced. The top causes include:

1. Driving too close to a preceding vehicle.

2. Reversing the truck without help or supervision.

3. Navigating too tight a turn.

4. Not considering overhead clearance heights and hitting high objects.

5. Not paying attention to driving, such as being on the mobile phone.

Three Safety Rules

There are also many general rules that enhance safety when operating a concrete pump truck. Some of which include:

  • No Point Rule. This relates to the concrete pump. In this rule, only you, as driver and operator, are allowed to stand on the pump, while nobody is allowed to stand on the hopper grate.
  • The One-to-One Rule. When operating the concrete pump truck, this rule relates to working near a vertical fall. For each foot of vertical drop, the truck needs to be away from the edge approximately one foot.
  • Three Point Rule. This is another safety rule. It suggests that when getting up or down from the concrete pump truck, always have three points of contact on the truck. Whether it’s a hand and two feet or a foot and two hands, it’s important for climbing safety.
  • Safety First.The safe operation of a concrete pump truck involves following many guidelines. Defensive driving principles – that is, those that save lives – promote both driver and public safety while operating a concrete pump truck. As a quality concrete pump truck dealer, Cole and Lambert offer superior products that promote the highest industry standards. Apart from this, they also supply parts; conduct jobsite training; rebuild/remount concrete pumps; and, undertake equipment assessments.