At Cole & Lambert, we firmly believe that every business in the concrete industry should make certain that workers follow safe work practices. Whether a worker is operating concrete pump trucks or working with other concrete equipment, hazards on the jobsite can be easily avoided by following simple safety tips. This week, we would like to offer some simple guidelines to follow that can prevent injuries.

The potential dangers of working with wet concrete:

There are several effects that concrete can have on workers that can be avoided. Burns can occur when handling new batches of wet concrete if direct contact is made with the skin or eyes, especially due to lime. Dermatitis, a minor to sever irritation to the skin, can also be a result of the long term handling of concrete. These problems can easily be avoided by following some simple procedures.

Avoid the dangers of working with wet concrete by following these safety guidelines:

  • Wearing a pair of durable, waterproof gloves will protect your hands while handling concrete.
  • Protective eyewear can prevent the mix from splattering into your eyes when working around concrete pump trucks and during a pour.
  • Even when it’s hot, it is wise to wear protective clothing that covers both your arms and legs to avoid burns.
  • Waterproof work boots or rubber boots should always be worn on the jobsite, especially if workers are handling wet concrete.

Cole & Lambert believes in safety first.

While these safety practices may sound like common sense, both rookies and seasoned workers occasionally forget the importance of wearing protective gear. When operating or working around concrete pump trucks, it is always important to protect yourself as well as your fellow workers. For all of your concrete equipment needs and questions, contact Cole & Lambert today.