At Cole and Lambert, we not only supply the greatest concrete equipment, such as our hard-working concrete pump trucks, but we also like to offer our clients the facts about building with concrete. You can even use this sort of information as a selling point for your own clients. With everyone trying to do their part to protect our environment and conserve our natural resources, it’s no wonder that concrete is growing in popularity.

The green advantages of building with concrete are helping the concrete industry move forward.

Lets conserve our resources: The main resources used to create concrete are far more abundant than other building materials: Gravel, Sand, and Water.

Reduce pollution: Pervious concrete pavement greatly reduces runoff, and it is an effective means of stormwater management.

Concrete buildings are energy efficient, providing optimal energy performance when compared to other building materials.

By using recycled concrete material, we reduce our use of landfills and the emission of CO2.

Concrete structures can be demolished and reused, further preserving our natural resources.

Cole & Lambert uses the Bibko Recycling System:

If you need to have your concrete pump trucks rinsed out, the Bibko Recycling System makes it easy to clear out leftover mixes. The simple recycling process separates materials, allowing greywater to be reused in the batch plant and rinsing process. Separated coarse materials and sand may also be reused after the recycling process.